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Windows 10 Dijital Etkinleştirme: Ocak 2021

Tek tıklamayla herhangi bir Windows sürümünü etkinleştirebilen en kolay ve en güçlü Windows 10 etkinleştirici.

Tanınmış geliştirici Ratiborus tarafından %100 ücretsiz ve virüssüzdür.

(Yalnızca Windows Defender idrar yapabilir ve inleyebilir)

Kurulum gerektirmez ve bir bellek çubuğundan çalışabilir.

HWID GEN (Hwidgen olarak da bilinir), MD1 (My Digital Life) s1ave77 tarafından geliştirilen, KMS aktivasyonu veya güncelleme korsanlığı (Windows kurulumunun eski bir sürümünden daha yeni bir Windows sürümüne yükseltme) gerektirmeyen bir dijital lisanslama aracıdır. Kalıcı dijital lisansa sahip Windows 10 işletim sisteminin tüm sürümlerini / sürümlerini (VL sürümleri dahil) etkinleştirin. Ayrıca aktivasyon işlemi basittir, herhangi bir sistem dosyasını etkilemez ve sızdırılmış veya çalınmış aktif anahtarları kullanmaz.

HWID GEN, AutoHotkey komut dosyası dilinde yazılmıştır (dosya adı uzantısı .mk3, AutoHotkey program uzantısı anlamına gelir), bir dosya (resmi Windows 10 ISO’dan ayıklayabilirsiniz) ve GitHub’da bir açık kaynak dosya (bir dosya olarak oluşturulmuş bir dosya) eklenir. EXE dosyası). Bu nedenle tüm aktivasyon işlemini manuel olarak tamamlayabilirsiniz. Misyonu, çılgın WannaCry (kripto solucanı fidye yazılımı) ve daha yetenekli ve gizli Adylkuzz transfer ilkesi ile aynı ritimde çalışan bir etkinleştirme hedefine ulaşmak için Windows kayıt defterini değiştirmek için Microsoft’taki bir güvenlik açığını kullanmaktır. (kriptografik madencilik kötü amaçlı yazılımı), bilgisayarınızı hacklemek için MS17-010 Windows hatasını kullanır.Bence Adylkuzz’ın yazarı daha zeki ve ileri görüşlü. Aksine, WannaCry anlamsız bir kalabalık gibidir!

// desteklenen Windows 10 sürümleri //

Bulut (K)

Çekirdek (ev) (N)

Birincil (ülkeye özgü)

Çekirdek (tek dil) (N)

Profesyonel (N)

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Profesyonel iş istasyonu (N)

Eğitim (N)

Şirket (N)

Y Şirketi (N)

Y Şirketi (N) 2015

Y Şirketi (N) 2016

Sunucu kalıbı (çekirdek) (N)

Sunucu veri merkezi çekirdeği) (N)

Sunucu çözümü (çekirdek) (N)

// Bildirimler

Araç birkaç sistem taraması gerçekleştirir ve görünmesi biraz zaman alabilir (sistem özelliklerine bağlı olarak), paniğe gerek yok, biraz bekleyin

VLSC veya MVS Business ISO Toplu Lisans sürümünü kurarken, etkinleştirmek için standart bir perakende / OEM anahtarı girmelisiniz.

// Not //

Bu tetikleyici yanlışlıkla bir tehdidi bildirebilir: Win32: Yüksek riskli kötü amaçlı yazılım. Kapsamlı ve güvenilir bir tarama için VirusTotal’ı kullanın.

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Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable - DeGun TPB.rar

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PotPlayer torrent download

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PotPlayer torrent download

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Powerful multi-format media player! PotPlayer is a great choice for playing music and videos on your computer. While there are many third-party media players like VLC and KMPlayer, none of them offer as many features as PotPlayer. While many people prefer to stream videos and music, a poor internet connection can cause problems. In such cases, PotPlayer for Windows allows you to listen to music and watch videos stored on your computer.
PotPlayer Torrent Download
It supports a wide variety of file types and is a great choice for PCs and lots of exploration! PotPlayer is based on the same interface model as KMPlayer. In fact, both programs were created by the same team. Although it is a free media player, you can play any video format imaginable by downloading PotPlayer to your computer. In addition, you can optimize video formats based on your (function() {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}) output device; If you’ve used KMPlayer before, the user interface will look familiar. Although the main window is minimalistic, it can be confusing at times, but you can easily explore all its features. With a single right click, you can access almost all of the key features mentioned earlier, and PotPlayer for PC is compatible with multiple formats and codecs. Moreover, it provides you with many effects and filters to make video clips better. Last but not least, the UI can be customized for different skins in case you’re not the standard dark fan with a variety of features. Although the program has a minimalistic and clean style, it has everything you need to enjoy videos and music. In addition to the media player, the program includes an easy-to-use screen recorder that supports live streaming. There is also a built-in video editor and TV tuner not available for popular titles such as Windows Media Player or GOM Player for Windows 10. You can get files from URLs, FTP servers, local storage, digital and analog TV and Blu -ray and DVD-D. Playback is always automatically optimized to match the desired output device. PotPlayer makes it easy to download and sync subtitles so you can easily watch videos in different languages. You can even manually add subtitles and customize the look of your text with built-in video editing tools to make video clips more appealing. . While the program provides detailed playback information, it also has 360-degree and 3D video support which is hard to find when downloading a free media player, but the playback quality depends on the system hardware. However, this should not cause any problems when playing large files, including AVI, MKV, and MOV. In fact, smaller files should play right away without any problems. As mentioned before, detailed playback information is available to give you a thorough overview of your CPU usage. The free download of the player supports many subtitle files, including .srt and .ass. If the subtitle files are in the same folder as the video file, the program will show the subtitles on the screen first. Since PotPlayer has many customization options, you can optimize your usage for the best performance. The default settingshowever, work fine for most file formats and audio files, such as . B. MPlayer, Media Player Classic and other popular titles, Video PotPlayer can also play audio files. Although the program includes several standard visualizations, you can download more from the Internet. PotPlayer gives you detailed information about an audio file, such as: B. multiple channels, bit rate, file type and more. Like most media players, the program includes a number of presets to improve the audio output. While it doesn’t replace stereo sound, it’s a great way to improve sound settings for serious users. The free downloadable PotPlayer offers you some advanced settings. After customizing your media player to your preferences, you can export your settings to a .reg file. This will help you install PotPlayer on another computer or device. There is no need to reconfigure the settings and the player can be used from another computer. Install the program, double click on the exported settings file and everything will be set automatically. If you want to see all the video playback settings, you can click the Playback tab for detailed information. Note that the program is disabled by default. It’s called Show Thumbnails and it’s at the bottom of the main window. Enabling this option allows you to preview videos. All you need to do is hover your mouse pointer over the playback bar and the program will preview it in a small box above the skin player’s search bar to customize the views. While the default skin is a great choice for anyone interested in dark mode, PotPlayer offers you several skins to customize the look. By default, the skin looks outdated and the program allows you to download various options from the Internet. With just a few clicks, you can completely change the look of your programs and the perfect way to watch videos! While its minimalist design makes it easy, the latest version of Pot Player is a powerful media player packed with features, including screen recorder editing tools, 360-degree and 3D support, optimization tools, and compatibility with the latest video technologies. Compared to other Windows programs, PotPlayer wins the competition hugely, but the only problem caused by the program is the constant display in the notification bar. It just doesn’t appear in the system tray. Therefore, you have to run in the background or check for notifications to open the main window. However, skipping such a good program is a bit of a problem and more annoying than anything.
Downloading PotPlayer is undoubtedly a good choice to play your favorite music and videos…


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Archive form: ESD

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***** MD5 SHA *****


MD5 Check: D0C8C890C9FA56E860AD554C323FC4E7

SHA-1 Inspection: 50AF599B3B1BD6284E1F98C278C1B1D7F75F4BCD


MD5 Inspection: 1601848BF0192D777720A401B949AF8A

SHA-1 Inspection: 43964C908702608C13BB1EC138D9CA6F264C19E5


MD5 Inspection: E3469A0C76DC03054481E75C657A89BE

SHA-1 Inspection: 4BA01A6B4A28C97E61DB6E896ED01B35F5421CBD

***** components *****

R: Reduction of aid

R: Excessive

R: Localized services

R: Media Streaming

R: Windows Insider Center

D: Internet Explorer

D: Media player

***** Multimedia *****

R: Intel Indeo codec

R: Researcher in yoga

R: Capture Tool

R: Blocked Textile Funds

R: MPEG-2 separator

R: Another topic

R: Play ready

R: Telet Protector

R: The Atonement of Fala

R: Reproduced DVD

R: As Padro

R: Windows TIFF IFilter (OCR)

***** System *****

D: Bitlocker Unit Criticism

M: Repairing windows

M: Windows backup

M: System Restoration

R: Cota Disco

R: Word pad

R: Gravador Passos

R: Windows Defender

R: Local Notifications

R: What. CLEAN composition

R: Close

R: Senha by Picture

R: Conteudo Helps create Windows

R: Fcil Transfer

***** Hardware Support *****

R: Disposable infrared

R: Miacast display device

R: Game Peripherals (Xbox GIP)

***** Translated *****

R: Some fonts

R: Idioma Some

R: Set some keys

****** Windows Applications *****

J: Microsoft Edge (New)

R: All, used Calculator

R: Cortana – Searching Functioning

R: Updating habits for drivers (no building)

***** Activated *****

A – Clean framework e

***** OBS *****

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MD5: 54DD2C255DCC940C1FAC8A1F55E39DC4

SHA-1: 5FC0C73184E0BA21F107ED000C0F157EF2A2F1D2






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Windows 10 Home X64 3in1 OEM ESD en-US JUNE-27 2019 {Gen2} torrent

Windows 10 Home X64 3in1 OEM ESD en-US JUNE-27 2019 {Gen2}
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* Windows 10 Home X64 3 em 1 OEM ESD para USA-27. JUNHO-2019

* Versão 1903 RTM Gradiente

* Arquivo:

* Tamanho: 3,70 GB

* Formato: ISO a ser submetido

* CRC32: cd543048

* MD5: 929d1d2c8416f16dd50f67e9870a47eb

* SHA-1: 9c5a687b5be6e781ba1d707a904d6716c7f65194


Integrado / pré-instalado:

* Atualização da pilha de serviço:

* KB4498523

* Atualização cumulativa:

* KB4501375

* Atualização cumulativa para

* .NET Framework e:

* KB4495620

* Atualização de segurança do Flash Player:

* KB4503308

SetupComplete / Post-install:

* .
Windows 10.20H2
NET framework

* Atualizações do defensor


* Windows 10 Home – STDs

* Windows 10 Home – DLA

* Windows 10 Home – OEM

* STD = Instalação padrão – para quem tem sua própria chave de licença

* DLA = Ativação de Licença Digital

* OEM – é ativado automaticamente quando instalado

* mesma versão em dispositivos originais

* UEFI pronto

* (Use a ferramenta Rufus USB incluída para criar um UEFI)

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (Microsoft DaRT)

* compactado para formato de recuperação ()

* Crie um USB inicializável Rufus (altamente recomendado),

* (fornecido) ou grave em um DVD-R em baixa velocidade.

* WindowsAddict, autor do script de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem desta edição!

* Olá,

* Generation2

Windows 10 X64 21H1 House 3 em 1 OEM ESD fr-FR JUNHO 2021

Etapa da versão 21H1

* Arquivo:

* Tamanho: 4,25 GB

* Formato: ISO a ser submetido

* CRC32: e6ecea78

* MD5: 5c67d1b2abeb36932b97e62bf4710fd3

* SHA-1: 8dea82a17a30a931bb5e7834066d9a279bdb1a6c

Integrado / pré-instalado:

* Pacote de serviço:


* Atualização cumulativa:

* KB5003690

* NET framework

* Atualização cumulativa para

* NET Framework e:

* KB4601554


* Windows 10 Home – STDs

* Windows 10 Home – DLA

* Windows 10 Home – OEM

* STD = Instalação padrão – para quem tem sua própria chave de licença

* DLA = Ativação de Licença Digital (HWID)

* OEM – é ativado automaticamente quando instalado

* mesma versão em dispositivos originais

* UEFI pronto

* (Use a ferramenta Rufus USB incluída para criar um UEFI)

* Kit de ferramentas de diagnóstico recuperação (apenas)

* compactado para formato de recuperação ()

* Crie um USB inicializável Rufus (altamente recomendado),

* (fornecido) ou grave em um DVD-R em baixa velocidade.
Windows 10.20H2

* Windows_Addict, autor do script de ativação do Windows

* Espero que gostem desta edição!

* Olá,

* Generation2..

Windows 10 Home X64 3in1 OEM ESD en-US JUNE-27 2019 {Gen2}

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Votes good: 16 Votes bad: 4


HP LaserJet M1005 Bitsy Download

27 Seeds 11 Peers

HP LaserJet M1005 Bitsy Download

HP LaserJet M1005
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Install the latest HP 1005 printer driver Download the latest and official version of the HP LaserJet M1005 All-in-One printer driver. This driver package is available for PC 32 and 64. It works with the following operating systems: Windows 10 (32-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows (32-bit), Windows (64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), Windows XP (32-bit) -bit), Windows XP (64-bit), Windows 200, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003. Don’t worry if you don’t know your operating system. HP LaserJet M1005
The HP website will automatically detect your device and select the best configuration for your operating system.
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Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2} scaricare

43 Seeds 50 Peers

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2} scaricare

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2}
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Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM USA DICEMBRE 2020

Versione 20H2 Build

* File:

* Dimensioni: 6,22 GB

* Formato: inizia ISO

* CRC32: fdf7bd51

* MD5: e99af86a19d9076da05878ad3d0a2fef

* SHA-1: 184b4806360d9b00414d02b40760c1731656dfe8


* Aggiornamento dello stack di servizi:

* KB4593175

* Aggiornamento cumulativo:

* KB4592438

* NET Framework

Aggiornamento cumulativo per

* NET Framework e:

* KB4586876

SetupCompletato/Post installazione:

* Aggiornamenti del difensore


* Windows 10 Home – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro- – – – – STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education- – STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise – STD / DLA

* STD = Installazione standard – Per quelli con la propria chiave di licenza

* DLA = Abilita Licenza Digitale (HWID)

* OEM – attivato automaticamente durante l’installazione

* Stessa versione dell’equipaggiamento originale

* Pronto per UEFI

* diviso per il supporto UEFI (FAT32)

* (Utilizzare lo strumento USB Rufus incluso per rendere avviabile UEFI)

* Crea un USB avviabile (altamente consigliato) con Rufus,

* (allegato) registrazione lenta di DVD-DL. Windows 7 10 X64 21in1 OEM ESD pt-BR AUG 2020 {Gen2} Scaricare

* Windows_Addict, autore degli script di attivazione di Windows

* Spero che questa edizione vi piaccia!

* Per la comprensione,

* Generazione2

Windows 7 10 X64 21in1 OEM ESD en-USA AGO 2020

Versione 2004 Build

* File:

* Dimensioni: 7,98 GB

* Formato: inizia ISO

* Le informazioni sulla fonte sono allegate in un file .
txt separato

* CRC32: e46df52b

* MD5: 922dcb0a9ba61a82953c4548086d00fb

* SHA-1: ccced7720e534f379918f42aef68eae9a6d832ea


* L’utente finale di IE11 DirectX viene eseguito (Win7)

* .NET Framework

* Solo importanti aggiornamenti di sicurezza – 2020-08-11

* Aggiornamento dello stack di servizi:

* KB4570334

* Aggiornamento cumulativo:

* KB4566782

* NET Framework

Aggiornamento cumulativo per

* NET Framework e:

* KB4569745

* Aggiornamento di sicurezza di Flash Player:

* KB4561600

SetupCompletato/Post installazione:

* Aggiornamenti dai difensori


* Windows 7 Home Premium – STD/DAZ/OEM

* Windows 7 Professional – STD/DAZ/OEM

* Windows 7 Ultimate – – – STD / DAZ / OEM

* Windows 7 Enterprise – – STD / KMS

* Windows 10 Home – – – – – -STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Pro- – – – – -STD / DLA / OEM

* Windows 10 Education- – -STD / DLA

* Windows 10 Enterprise – -STD / DLA

* STD = Installazione standard – Per quelli con la propria chiave di licenza

* DAZ = Attivato da DAZ Loader

* KMS = Abilitato da KMS_VL_ALL

* DLA = Attivazione alla licenza digitale (HWID)

* OEM (produttore di apparecchiature originali) funziona automaticamente

* attivare la versione originale installata dal produttore.

* Pronto per UEFI

* (Utilizzare lo strumento USB Rufus incluso per rendere avviabile UEFI)

* Toolkit di diagnostica ripristino (Microsoft DaRT)

* compresso in formato di ripristino ()

* Crea un USB avviabile (altamente consigliato) con Rufus,

* (allegato) registrazione DVD-DL a bassa velocità.

* WindowsAddict, autore degli script di attivazione di Windows

* Spero che questa edizione vi piaccia!

* Per la comprensione,

* Generazione2..

Windows 10 X64 20H2 10in1 OEM en-US DEC 2020 {Gen2}

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Votes good: 41 Votes bad: 0


Ranch Simulator torrent download

20 Seeds 21 Peers

Ranch Simulator torrent download

Ranch Simulator
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Realistic Farm Game Ranch Simulator is a free, open-world sandbox game that looks a lot like a male 3D version of Stardew Valley. It is currently available for early access so you can test features and connect with your developers. The basic mechanics and bovine game loops are currently included in; To grow your ranch and increase your income, you can buy, feed and protect livestock, collect and sell your products. In multiplayer mode, up to 4 players work on the same ranch. There will almost certainly be bugs and major changes will cause saved games (function() {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); A new farmer in town The game starts with a short introduction of your character: your grandfather calls and asks you to help him on the farm. Your grandfather’s legacy, the family farm, has been hit by a recession and it’s up to you to turn things around; attempts to turn the derelict estate in a remote wooded valley into the most lucrative in the region; Purchase supplies from your local hardware store and multiple vehicles from the dealer to aid in the recovery. You can play alone or in a group. When playing in cooperative player mode, the game can only accept 4 players at a time. Either way, the game will deploy all your skills; After renovating the house, decide what kind of livestock you want to raise. Among Us Torrent Download You have to build the sheds and pens to keep them safe. Outside of his cozy estate, there is a vast open world area teeming with wildlife.
Grab your trusty rifle and head into the forest to hunt deer and kill bears. Remember that the great outdoors has its own rules and you are not the only experienced hunter describing life on the farm. The Sim Ranch offers a surprising amount of fun. Building your chicken coops and sheds can easily take a few hours of your time. If you’re playing alone, be prepared to play for a long time. Unloading, for example, meat and wood from your truck takes a long time in this game. Ranch Simulator Early Access will receive monthly updates and will offer more games in the future, so there’s a lot to look forward to;..

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Votes good: 49 Votes bad: 0


Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC 2019 download

47 Seeds 19 Peers

Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC 2019 download

Windows 10 Entreprise LTSC 2019
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Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 1809 64-bit (released January 2020)

New hbx itration based on the entreprise ltsc 1809 version. Windows 10 Pro Highly modifiable that is mainly intended for modest machines, for basic use. (network, office automation)

SHA-1: e8328e5b2674484bf1f2d839ecce3e105dcf7272

MD5: dea81347dd7e4e2ef1fc837ff5da65a1

CRC32: 7dd5a9b9

Configuration request:

32-64 bits per processor (x86-x64) at 1GHz (GHz) or faster with reward and rate for PAE, NX and SSE2

Au moins 1-2 GB of egg RAM + if 64 bit (this is like beer, yet + this is better): lol:

At least 16-20 I have hard disk space available

DVD-ROM drive (with DVD)

Microsoft piano and font are not supported on a device

Microsoft DirectX 9 Graphics Card with WDDM Driver

Sound card (if needed)

Tall barrel or hull (if not)

Installation procedure:

– Burn the iso to a low speed dvd5-9 and boot from this dvd

– You can use “Rufus” genre logic to record to a USB clutch. (Minimum 4-8 GB) RECOMMENDATION !!. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 X64 OFF19 en-US JAN 2020 {Gen2} download .

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Votes good: 15 Votes bad: 0


Windows 10 Pro Lite Build 1511-10586 (32-bit) torrent download

30 Seeds 34 Peers

Windows 10 Pro Lite Build 1511-10586 (32-bit) torrent download

Windows 10 Pro Lite Build 1511-10586 (32-bit)
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This is a discounted Windows 10 operating system based on version 1511 – 10586 (November update or TH2). The basic system requirements remain the same as expected, although this modified version of Windows is expected to run faster than the original, due to the many changes listed below.

This is the second version, a version that supports 32-bit processors. Windows 10 Pro Lite Build 1511-10586 (32-bit) Torrent Télécharger There is also the first version which is in 64 bits on my profile.


Required configuration

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor with NX / PAE

SSE2 (if Windows 8 works, it will work too)

RAM: 1 GB for 64 bit (only requires 512 MB)

Hard disk space: 20 GB

Graphics card: DirectX 9 or later

Changes and information (most important, however):

-Remove most Metro apps except Edge, Store and Calculator

– Eliminates most non-essential drives (such as graphics, printers, networks)

These must be downloaded and installed manually according to the specifications of each computer.

-Improvement of some accessibility elements

-Published speech and support for Cortana

-Delete Deleted (search bar in explorer still works)

-Play Windows Media Player

– Windows photo viewer is allowed to replace the “Photos” metropolitan app, even if photos first open in Paint, until the user changes the default app to Windows photo viewer .
Windows 10 Pro

– hibernation is disabled

Swap files disabled

– Revised firewall (although it may appear while using the program in some cases, and this service has not been removed as it is important)

-Windows update is not removed but there is no guarantee it will work as I always turn it off (still needs to be on to install apps from Store,)

-Store apps should work fine

-The store supervisor is no longer working (I don’t understand why). Non-UWP games (CS: GO for example) may still work, as your drivers will be updated..

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Votes good: 34 Votes bad: 1
